Vanessa is the current director of Eduplay Academy Mayfield Daycare & OSC. She specializes in the development and care of children ranging from 16 weeks to 12 years of age.
Vanessa has 12 years of experience working in child care in Canada and as an educator for elementary students in the Philippines.
As a director at Eduplay Academy Mayfield, Vanessa ensures the well-being of children enrolled in the daycare. Also, she ensures that the staff under her leadership are highly-experienced and skilled.

Carrie Mai, EDUCATOR
I’m Carrie Mai, I come from China, and got my Education Bachelor Degree; also, I have been a junior high school teacher in China for 3 three years.
I studied in the CDI College of Early Learning and Child Care program for two years; I graduated with Honours and got Alberta Child Care staff certification- Level 3-Early Childhood Educator.
I enjoy working with children and playing with them. I believe children are powerful and mighty learners, I respect and value children with diverse abilities, cultural backgrounds, and languages, and I integrate inclusion into my program.
I believe building up a positive and strong relationship with families can better support children’s early learning at our center.
I am pleased to work in EduPlay and Academy Daycare, where I am growing and learning every day from my team leaders and colleagues.

Alicia Visaya, TEACHER
Alicia Visaya is the current Teacher of the Preschool room of Edu Play Academy Mayfield Daycare, particularizing on the improvement and development of children ranging from 3 to 4 years old.
Prior to becoming a daycare worker, Alicia studied Education Assistant at East West College of Business and Technology. Her experience spanned various positions of employment, including handling children as a caretaker.
As a Teacher of EduPlay Academy, Alicia certifies the welfare of each and every child in her care and will continuously engage in teamwork and committed ethics.